Rubén Alcolea, Ph.D., M.Arch., Registered Architect COAC

Received his Master in Architecture and Ph.D. from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, Spain (ETSAUN). His Final Project was awarded with distinction and received the Special National Award for architecture in 2000. Received a Ph.D. in 2005 with a dissertation focused on Architecture and Photography in early modernism, later published as a book. Since 2000 is involved in academia and practice. His academic, teaching and research work has been mainly developed at the School of Architecture, University of Navarra, Spain (2000-2016), where he was vice-dean for Research and Academic Programs (2009-2015); Visiting Scholar at the AA Architectural Association School of Architecture in London (2008-2009); Visiting Professor at Cornell University, USA (2016-2021); and currently Professor of Architecture at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island (2021-current), where he serves as Director of Architecture Adanced Studies and Coordinator for Lectures and Exhibitions. Specialized in photography and modern architecture, is author of several books, such as Pioneer Picnic/Picnic de Pioneros (Valencia, 2009); Premios Pritzker: Discursos de Aceptación 1979-2015 (2015); Formando arquitectos, antología de textos (2015); or the four volumes with proceedings for the international conference Inter: Photography and Architecture (2016), which Alcolea chaired in the Art Museum MUN Pamplona in 2016. He has published many papers and contributions to books, as well as producing and curating exhibitions, cultural events, public seminars and conferences. Practicing since 2000 as registered architect, founded alcolea+tárrago with Jorge Tárrago in 2005. His work has been awarded in more than 20 national and international competitions, is published in many magazines and books, and has received several architecture prizes for built work.


Rubén Alcolea  (Photo W. Staffeld)

Principal and Founder

Professor of Architecture
Director, Architecture Advanced Studies
Cummings School of Architecture, Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island 02809, USA

External links:
Profile at RWU, Roger Williams University
Profile at AAP, Cornell University
Research Projects at Cornell University ‘Collected Fictions’ or ‘What is a House?’

Rubén Alcolea, Doctor Arquitecto

Arquitecto y Doctor en Arquitectura por la Universidad de Navarra (ETSAUN) con Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera y Mención Especial del Premio Nacional de Terminación de Estudios Universitarios. Desde 2000 ha desempeñado labores docentes y de investigación a la vez que el ejercicio profesional. Su labor docente se ha desarrollado como Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Proyectos de la ETSAUN (2000-2016), donde también ejerció como Subdirector de Investigación (2009-2015); también en la Visiting Scholar en la AA Architectural Association, London (2008-2009); como Visiting Professor en Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (2016-2021); y actualmente como Profesor Catedrático en Roger Williams University en Rhode Island, USA (desde 2021), donde ejerce como Director de Arquitectura y Estudios Avanzados y Coordinador de Conferencias y Exposiciones. Especializado en fotografía y arquitectura moderna, es autor de varios libros, como «Picnic de Pioneros. Arquitectura, fotografía y el mito de la industria» (Valencia, 2009); Premios Pritzker: Discursos de Aceptación 1979-2015 (Madrid, 2015); Formando Arquitectos, antología de textos (Pamplona, 2015); o los cuatro volúmenes del congreso internacional Inter: Photography and Architecture (Pamplona, 2016), que dirigió en el Museo Universidad de Navarra en Pamplona en 2016. También ha publicado artículos en revistas, participado en congresos internacionales e impartido conferencias. Actualmente compatibiliza la docencia de Proyectos con el trabajo profesional independiente, y desde 2005 bajo la firma alcolea+tárrago. Su trabajo ha recibido premios en más de 20 concursos nacionales e internacionales, ha sido publicado en libros y revistas, y ha recibido reconocimientos por la obra construida.


Rubén Alcolea (Photo W. Staffeld)

Arquitecto y Socio Fundador

Professor of Architecture
Director, Architecture Advanced Studies
Cummings School of Architecture, Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island 02809, USA

Links externos:
Perfil en RWU, Roger Williams University
Perfil en AAP, Cornell University

Publicaciones en Cornell University ‘Collected Fictions’ o ‘What is a House?’